July 23, 2023

There are so many “quotes” I have heard over the years that I thought were truly God’s wisdom when in fact they were just feel good words regurgitated over and over by people such as myself that truly had not read scripture. In fact to believe such statements as “biblical” borders on idolatry in my opinion because by these false statements we literally conceive in our minds an image of God that is formed to our own desires. One of those quotes is “God helps those who help themselves.” I have stated this many times over the years and to hear my pastor suggest that wasn’t biblical was shocking. But then, of course, at that point in my life I really had not read much of the bible, especially with intent. It just sounded right and “biblical.” God is our helper. He wants us to rely on his grace, understanding and judgement so that we may make wise decisions. “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” Psalm 121:2

When the Israelites stared down the crashing waves of the Red Sea and the crushing horses of Pharaoh’s army, God didn’t have the people build boats. He did the helping: “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 If all we had to do was help ourselves then why would we need God?

It is sad that it took me so long in life to recognize that the struggles we experience in life are so small in comparison to what is to come. I really have to look at myself everyday now and ask myself “what have you been doing?” Who do I think I am to believe that I had control of a life that I did not create but rather was blessed with. Who am I to think that I have enough understanding of the world and God’s plan to think I knew best for me. My blessing today is that I now understand that life’s answers are in scripture. And the struggles of this world truly are minute in comparison to achieving God’s approval. We are all broken. We all struggle in one way or another that keeps us from true goodness. Our thoughts alone can be devastating. Lust, greed, self desire, selfishness, anger, hate, vindictiveness…and the list goes on. I know now that I have an option to have a relationship with Jesus, who is the way, the light and the truth (John 14:6). And through that relationship I am beginning to grow in my desires to seek His approval rather than the approval of myself or mankind.

I am currently reading a book about end time prohecies by Dr. David Jeremiah. I am only a few chapters in but he has really given some insight to the books of Daniel and Revelations and showing what is happening in the world with places such as Israel, Russia and the United States. For, I believe, about 100 years people were warned of a great flood. People did not listen, they did not believe, they continued on with their lives contrary to scripture. When the “conspiracy theory” came true none were expecting it. They were living their lives as normal up to the moment that they realized their error and it was too late. Turns out it wasnt a conspiracy theory. Go figure that today so many CHOOSE not to believe because it would interfere with their current desires. Remember a conspiracy theory is like any other theory, a theory until it is proven or happens. Then it simply becomes the result of a fool’s theory and a fact that we must accept.

My simple conclusion is that people need to realize we do not run this world. We are very good at making a mess of the world but ultimately we do not control the absolute survival or demise of the world. We live here with a very long and loose leash called free will. Many of us are too wrapped up with loving self and all that self can obtain and achieve in the world. We are here to praise God not to accumulate wealth, be comfortable, have a great relationship, feel satisfied, or reach our personal goals. In fact, if we put our happiness ahead of everything else, we’re completely disobeying what Jesus said are the most important commands: Love God, Love people. Luke 10:27

When I started sharing this journey back in October I shared a portion of what I was dealing with and how God opened my eyes. I started sharing at first to prove to myself that what I felt and understood was sincere for I knew by posting publicly I could lose customers and friends, perhaps even the closeness of some family. Now, I am well beyond needing to prove anything to myself. I have dived into scripture. I have sought answers and clarification. I have presented myself to God with sincere intent to seek his approval. So why do I still post publicly? Will it assure me a place in heaven? Will it score me brownie points with God? No, I am saved by His grace and sacrifice and my willingness to accept that grace in belive in a resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ. This is all biblical. Good works come from faith, not demand or requirement. I continue to share because I want to see everyone in heaven one day. I cringe at the thought of anyone suffering eternally because they just could not see past their own self. This concern is not just for my family and friends but even my “enemies” because the things that have occurred that would cause animosity between me and another are insignificant when looking at eternity. I forgive them and pray they forgive me. And I pray they too seek understanding of God’s purpose for them.



