September 12, 2023

Sitting in a hotel in Adrian waiting on my wife to get ready so yup have plenty of time to reflect lol. Been thinking about the last year and the more I pay attention to the details of my current life I realize just how much God is blessing me. And contrary to all those “prosperity gospel” preachers God is providing all I need but not based on all I want. One thing I have prayed for wholeheartedly is to experience contentment which is difficult when operating a business. There are many burdens and responsibilities that you do not experience when your are an employee. Take for instance yesterday. While on the road I learn that my haste has led to some mistakes occurring and the financial hit is great. My first reaction is anger and frustration. However, as I dwell on the situation I realize God is telling me to quit rushing everything to try and please everyone. Do things right and in the end I will achieve the goal without loss. And to not dwell on a loss as He will provide regardless. I mean what a blessing that regardless of hurdles I am able to take a couple of days off to put in the time to network and promote my business 3 hours away. And that is today’s goal. To take God’s blessings of opportunity and push forward in growth. We are told to do all things for God. That does not mean stop working, stop striving and stand on a corner preaching. It means do your job, make your living, and honor God in your efforts through example, patience and kindness. God never promised you wealth for trusting Him. He promised that your needs would be met if you just trust in Him. I trust God has a plan for me and though there are no t-shirt shops mentioned in the Bible I believe I am where He wants me right now and He has my back.

Lord thank you for your many blessings. Though you may not deliver all that I want, I see and experience that you provide all I need. Guide me to do your will as I make a living. May my hard work be a beacon to others and that I may be an example of a broken man running in your direction through all I do and all I am. May you bless this day as we push forward in our efforts to succeed in finding contentment and sustainability. As I look at the world around me and see through the chaos we as people create Your greatness is still very much evident for all to find you and know you. Thank you for the breath of life and the ability to live, love and strive. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.



