September 17, 2023

How important is that achievement? How crucial are those goals? So you worked hard, got that raise, bought a new home, purchased that new car, started that new business or earned that degree. These are all great things for one’s life and I know that God blesses us in this life. I know that we are to work hard, achieve goals, raise loving and happy families and enjoy life. But what is most important? I spent my entire adult life chasing dreams through hard work and sacrifice. God was in my thoughts but very distant from my objectives. What I did not consider in my pursuits was my true purpose. I mean if I can succeed and achieve and gain then my life must become complete right? But then one day I fell. This fall caused much damage…broken ribs, destroyed spleen, cut kidney, and dislocated arm. Blood was seeping through my body where blood did not belong. Were it not for the quick response of emergency personnel, doctors and nurses, and the grace of God that day could have been my last. Had it been my last just how important was the business, the house, the car, etc? Had it been my last what would have been the next step in my journey?

See I know first hand just how distracting life is from true purpose. Society expects us to strive for success, grow in a family, and to accomplish stability and sustainability. However, what I learned from my experience is that perhaps my ambitions, my desires and my goals were taking the place of my God.

Let’s see how important success and wealth is. If I were to hand you $1,000 no strings attached to do with as you please it would make you happy correct? Let’s say I hand you a million dollars…even happier? But the catch is you get it for a day and tomorrow your life ends. Now how important is that money? No matter our achievements and desires our life could end any moment. I think of things like this every time I get by my dad’s farm. He worked long hours for years supporting his family. He acquired some cool things such as some old classic cars. He built a home and tried to enjoy his life. But then at the age of 66 he died. His farm, his cars, his achievements all still here but of zero benefit to him.

Matthew 6:19-21 says “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

That day I fell off that ladder my business, my possessions, and my accomplishments were very insignificant. That day is the day that being enslaved to money and possessions could have proven to be my folly.

I think that sometimes we just need to stop dead in our tracks and just look around. Look at the world in action. Take in the beauty and wonder of creation and realize that though our accomplishments in society can be satisfying, they are not what define our purpose and they cannot truly fill our needs.

I have found that having God at the forefront of my life allows me to still strive to succeed but with the understanding that no matter if I succeed or fail in the end this world will end for me and that greater things await. So I can move forward in this life with confidence and courage and no need to regret because even in failure all is not lost.

I know some of you are still scratching your heads over my sharing scripture and testimony. I once would have been like that as well toward others. But I promise you if you seek truth and purpose through God’s word and through prayer so much more will be revealed and no matter how stressful things get you will still feel an inner peace knowing that those stresses and struggles are just temporary moments in your eternity.

I am not a pastor nor a teacher. I am no expert in theology or biblical doctrine. I’m just a nobody who now desires to tell everybody about somebody that can save anybody. I have nothing to gain or to lose by your relationship with our creator, God. But I do care enough that I am striving to be obedient to God in His commandment that I disciple to others now that His word has been revealed to me…not through some supernatural revelation but because I decided I needed to understand so I turned to His word and by my God given free will chose to open my heart and mind. I am finally paying attention and seeking truth and real purpose.

I pray you each have a blessed day.



